var Basic = { GetQueryString:function(){ var result = {}; if( 1 < ){ var query =; var parameters = query.split('&'); for( var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ ){ var element = parameters[ i ].split('='); var paramName = decodeURIComponent(element[0]); var paramValue = decodeURIComponent(element[1]); result[ paramName ] = paramValue; } } return result; } } //ドメインセレクト無しアドレス飛ばし //アドレスチェック function addr_check(form){ if(form.addr.value.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9]+[\w-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w{2,}$/)){ addrSend_window(form.addr.value,; return false; }else{ window.alert('メールアドレスが正しくありません'); // メールアドレス以外が入力された場合は警告ダイアログを表示 return false; } } function addrSend_window(addr,shop){ winopen("" + addr + "&shop=" + shop,'mail',365,240); } jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(function(){ // 営業再開したら消す $("#recommend").css('display', 'none'); // 消すここまで input_text = "メールアドレスを記入"; $(".addr_send_form :text").each(function() { $(this).val(input_text).css("color","#999999"); $(this).focus(function(){ if($(this).val() == input_text){ $(this).val("").css("color","#666666"); } }); $(this).blur(function(){ if($(this).val() == ""){ $(this).val(input_text).css("color","#999999"); } if($(this).val() != input_text){ $(this).css("color","#666666"); } }); }); }); }); //FlashPlayerVersionの判定 var plugin = (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]) ? navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin : 0; if ( plugin ) { var words = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i){ if (isNaN(parseInt(words[i]))){ continue; } MM_PluginVersion = words[i]; } } else if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0 && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1)) { document.write(' \n'); //FS hide this from IE4.5 Mac by splitting the tag document.write('on error resume next \n'); document.write('MM_contentVersion = Array("7","6","5")\n'); document.write('MM_PluginVersion = 0\n'); document.write('for i=0 to 2\n'); document.write('if IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & MM_contentVersion(i))) then\n'); document.write('MM_PluginVersion = MM_contentVersion(i)\n'); document.write('exit for\n'); document.write('end if\n'); document.write('next'); document.write(' \n'); }else { MM_PluginVersion = 0; } //ウィンドウオープン(アドレス,ウィンドウネーム,幅,高さ,スクロールyes,no,auto) function winopen(ads,wname,wi,he,tf) { if(!tf) tf=',scrollbars=no'; prop = 'width=' + wi + ',height=' + he + tf; CWin =,wname,prop); CWin.focus(); } function shamopen(ymds) { var ads = '' + ymds + '.htm'; CWin =,'shamail','width=604,height=445,scrollbars=no,status=no,location=no,resizable=no'); CWin.focus(); } //必ずフルパスで渡すこと! function ykeventOpen(target){,'kikaku','width=418,height=590,scrollbars=no'); } function yk_setsuden(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'ご協力をお願いいたします\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=452,height=640,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } function yk_extension(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'もう少しだけ楽しみたい貴方へ 延長20分6,900円\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
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\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=570,height=780,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //チケット告知 function yk_ticket(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += '期限切れの割引チケットを3枚お持ち頂くとそのばで1,000円割引\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=700,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //横浜の常連様誕生日特典 function yk_birthday(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'ご常連様特典「誕生日割引」追加のお知らせ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=765,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //川崎の常連様誕生日特典 function kw_birthday(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'ご常連様特典「誕生日割引」変更のお知らせ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=765,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //アネ グッド・バイエコキャップ function yk_anelast(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'エコキャップ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=765,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //年末年始の出勤予定 ノーマル function yk_nenshi(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += '2012年末年始の営業時間のお知らせ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=764,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //年末年始の出勤予定 川崎 function yk_nenshi_kw(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += '2012年末年始の営業時間のお知らせ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=764,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //年末年始の出勤予定 人妻 function yk_nenshi_tsuma(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += '2012年末年始の営業時間のお知らせ\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=764,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //ベイスターズを応援しよう! function yk_baseball(){ var s = new String(); s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += ''; s += 'ベイスターズを応援しよう!\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '
\n'; s += '\n'; s += '\n'; coverWin ='','Images','width=540,height=764,scrolling=no');; coverWin.document.write(s); coverWin.document.close(); coverWin.focus(); } //企画専用ウィンドウオープン function kikakuopen(ads){ var add = '' + ads;,'kikaku','width=740,height=510,scrollbars=no'); } //イベントPOS縮小専用企画ウィンドウオープン function posopen(ads){ var add = '' + ads +'/';,'kikaku','width=418,height=590,scrollbars=no'); } //画像なし[/i.htm]オープン専用企画ウィンドウオープン function txtopen(ads){ var add = '' + ads +'/i.htm';,'kikaku','width=240,height=320,scrollbars=yes'); } function UrlSend(myAddr,domain,shop){ if(myAddr == ''){ alert('メールアドレスを入力してから送信ボタンを押してください.'); return; } winopen("" + myAddr + "&shop=" + shop + "&domain=" + domain,'mail',365,260); //winopen("" + myAddr + "&shop=" + shop + "&domain=" + domain,'mail',365,600); } function focusText(name){ if(document.forms[name].addr.value=="携帯アドレスを記入"){ document.forms[name].addr.value = ''; } } //フラッシュのためのスクリプト function EmbedPlugIn(id,source,width,height,param,version){ // Active X の classID の判別 var classID; var CodeBase; var PlugInSpace; var MimeType; if(source.match("swf$")){ if(MM_PluginVersion >= version){ classID = 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000'; CodeBase = ''; PlugInSpace = ''; MimeType = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; TargetFile = ''; // Flash の場合は Param name="movie" }else{ eval(id)(); return; } }else if(source.match("mov$")){ classID = 'clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B'; CodeBase = ''; PlugInSpace = ''; MimeType = 'video/quicktime'; TargetFile = ''; // QT の場合は Param name="src" } document.write(''); document.write(TargetFile); var Params = new Array(); // 受け取ったパラメータを分解して格納する var forEmbed = new Array(); // embed 用の一時配列 Params = param.split(","); // パラメータをカンマで分解、配列に格納 for(i=0; i'); forEmbed[i] = Tmp[0] + '="' + Tmp[1] + '"'; // embed 用に「属性="値"」を作成し一時配列に格納 } //embed 用のパラメータをまとめる var EmbedParam = forEmbed.join(" "); // 「属性="値"」をスペースで文字列にする if(source.match("swf$")){EmbedParam += ' swiliveconnect="true"'} document.write(''); document.write(''); } //ykmenuのバージョンチェックが満たなかったら呼び出すファンクション function YKMenu(){ document.write('
\n'); document.write('
\n'); document.write(' 横浜川崎 \n'); document.write(' 東京埼玉 \n'); document.write(' 札幌 \n'); document.write(' 福岡 \n'); document.write(' 熊本 \n'); document.write('
\n'); document.write('
\n'); document.write(' この部分には本来FlashPlayerを使用したメニューが表示されます。このコンテンツを表示するには最新版のFlashPlayerが必要です。こちらからダウンロードしてください。\n'); document.write('
\n'); document.write('
\n'); } // 共通フッタ function HareFoot(){ document.write('\n'); document.write(' \n'); document.write(' \n'); document.write(' \n'); document.write(' \n'); document.write(' \n'); document.write('
横浜風俗ハレ系Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Harekei All rights reserved.
\n'); document.write('掲載されている全てのコンテンツはハレ系が著作権を所有しています。
\n'); document.write('無断転載および無許可での使用はご遠慮願います。
 \n'); document.write('
\n'); } //↓横浜、川崎、新宿トップメニューJavaScript版 function MenuPut(onselectid) { //トップメニュー初期設定 //ボタンスタイルセット ButtonStyle = "" ; ButtonStyle += "font-size: 11px;" ; ButtonStyle += "color:black;" ; ButtonStyle += "padding: 3px 4px 3px 4px;" ; ButtonStyle += "cursor:pointer;" ; ButtonStyle += "vertical-align: middle ;" ; ButtonStyle += "line-height:12px;" ; //メニューセット menu_config = new Object() ; menu_config.width = 725 ; menu_config.height = 45 ; menu_config.color = "cecfce" ; menu_config.topselect = onselectid ; //エリアメニュー area_array = [ [ "id" , "name" , "action" , "value" , "visible" , "color" , "hover_color" , "active_color" ] , [ "yk_area" , "横浜川崎" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] , [ "tk_area" , "東京" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] , [ "st_area" , "埼玉" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] , // [ "sj_area" , "新宿ホテヘル" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] , [ "sp_area" , "札幌" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] , [ "fk_area" , "福岡" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ], [ "km_area" , "熊本" , "open" , "" , "all" , "cecfce" , "d6ffff" , "6bffff" ] ] ; 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form_array = new Object() ; //トップメニュー初期設定ここまで //初期設定を分かりやすい様オブジェクトへ代入 area = new Object() ; aac = 0 ; for (aaa in area_array) { if (area_array[aaa][0] != "id") { area[aac] = new Object() ; for (aab in area_array[aaa]) { area[aac][ area_array[0][aab] ] = area_array[aaa][aab] ; } aac++ ; } } content = new Object() ; aac = 0 ; for (aaa in content_array) { if (content_array[aaa][0] != "id") { content[aac] = new Object() ; for (aab in content_array[aaa]) { content[aac][ content_array[0][aab] ] = content_array[aaa][aab] ; } aac++ ; } } zone = new Object() ; aac = 0 ; for (aaa in zone_array) { if (zone_array[aaa][0] != "id") { zone[aac] = new Object() ; for (aab in zone_array[aaa]) { zone[aac][ zone_array[0][aab] ] = zone_array[aaa][aab] ; } aac++ ; } } //代入ココまで chr = "" ; chr += "
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" ; document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = chr ; topid = onselectid ; bottomid = "" ; for(aca in menu_array) { for (acb in menu_array[aca]) { if (menu_array[aca][acb][0] == onselectid) { topid = id_get("value",aca,"id") ; bottomid = menu_array[aca][acb][0] ; } } } form_flg = "off" ; if (topid == onselectid) { aa = id_get("id",topid,"action") ; if (aa == "form_view") { aa = id_get("id",topid,"value") ; document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = form_array[ aa ] ; form_flg = "on" ; } } if (form_flg == "off") { top_view(topid,bottomid) ; } } function action_check( id , action , value ) { script = "" ; if (action == "open") { script = "location.href='"+value+"'" ; } if (action == "subwindow") { script = "'"+value+"','topmenu')" ; } if (action == "menuopen") { script = "top_view('" + id + "');bottom_view('" + value + "')" ; } if (action == "form_view") { script = "document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = '" + form_array[ value ] + "';" ; //script = "document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = 'aa' ;" ; } if (action == "script") { script = value ; } return script ; } function top_view(celectid,bottomid) { topHTML = "" ; menuid = new Array() ; menuidcolor = new Array() ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; cellcount = 0 ; selectcell = 0 ; selectvalue = "" ; selectcolor = "" ; //エリアメニュー表示 for (aaa in area) { pr = "NG" ; if (area[aaa]['visible'] == "all") { pr = "OK" ; } else { a_array = area[aaa]['visible'].split(",") ; for (vi in a_array) { if (a_array[vi] == celectid) { pr = "OK" ; } } } if (pr == "OK") { script = action_check( area[aaa]['id'] , area[aaa]['action'] , area[aaa]['value'] ) ; if (area[aaa]['id'] == celectid) { topHTML += "" ; selectcell = cellcount ; selectcolor = area[aaa]['active_color'] ; selectvalue = area[aaa]['value'] ; } else { topHTML += "" ; } cellcount++ ; } } topHTML += "" ; cellcount++ ; //コンテンツメニュー表示 for (aaa in content) { pr = "NG" ; if (content[aaa]['visible'] == "all") { pr = "OK" ; } else { c_array = content[aaa]['visible'].split(",") ; for (vi in c_array) { if (c_array[vi] == celectid) { pr = "OK" ; } } } if (pr == "OK") { script = action_check( content[aaa]['id'] , content[aaa]['action'] , content[aaa]['value'] ) ; if (content[aaa]['id'] == celectid) { topHTML += "" ; selectcell = cellcount ; selectcolor = content[aaa]['active_color'] ; selectvalue = content[aaa]['value'] ; } else { topHTML += "" ; } cellcount++ ; } } //地域メニュー表示 for (aaa in zone) { pr = "NG" ; if (zone[aaa]['visible'] == "all") { pr = "OK" ; } else { z_array = zone[aaa]['visible'].split(",") ; for (vi in z_array) { if (z_array[vi] == celectid) { pr = "OK" ; } } } if (pr == "OK") { script = action_check( zone[aaa]['id'] , zone[aaa]['action'] , zone[aaa]['value'] ) ; if (zone[aaa]['id'] == celectid) { topHTML += "" ; selectcell = cellcount ; selectcolor = zone[aaa]['active_color'] ; selectvalue = zone[aaa]['value'] ; } else { topHTML += "" ; } cellcount++ ; } } topHTML += "" ; cellcount++ ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; for (aba=0;aba" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += area[aaa]['name'] + "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += content[aaa]['name'] + "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += zone[aaa]['name'] + "
" ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "
" ; topHTML += "" ; } else { if (selectcell == 0) { topHTML += " " ; } else { topHTML += " " ; } } } topHTML += "" ; topHTML += "" ; document.getElementById('topmenu_top').innerHTML = topHTML ; if (selectvalue) { if (bottomid) { bottom_view(selectvalue,bottomid) ; } else { bottom_view(selectvalue) ; } } } function bottom_view(menuid,celectid) { background = "00ff00" ; chr = "" ; if (menuid) { for (aba in menu_array[menuid]) { if (menu_array[menuid][aba][0] != "id") { script = action_check( menu_array[menuid][aba][0] , menu_array[menuid][aba][2] , menu_array[menuid][aba][3] ) ; if (celectid == menu_array[menuid][aba][0]) { chr += "" ; chr += "
" ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += " " ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += chr ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "
" ; bottomHTML += " " ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += " " ; bottomHTML += " " ; bottomHTML += " " ; bottomHTML += "" ; bottomHTML += "" ; document.getElementById('topmenu_bottom').innerHTML = bottomHTML ; } } function ch_style(type,obj,background) { if (type < 2) { = "2px" ; = "3px" ; = "2px" ; = "3px" ; = "solid" ; = "1px" ; } if (type == -1) { = background ; = "black white white black" ; } if (type == 0) { = background ; = "white black black white" ; } if (type == 1) { = background ; = background + " " + background + " " + background + " " + background ; } if (type == 2) { = background ; } if (type == 3) { = background ; = "black white white black" ; } } function BackMenu(onselectid) { //メニューへ戻るを押した時最初に選択していたメニューへ戻る onselectid = menu_config.topselect ; document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = "" ; chr = "" ; chr += "
" ; chr += "" ; chr += "" ; chr += "" ; chr += "
" ; chr += "
" ; //chr += "
" ; document.getElementById('topmenu_form').innerHTML = chr ; topid = onselectid ; bottomid = "" ; for(aca in menu_array) { for (acb in menu_array[aca]) { if (menu_array[aca][acb][0] == onselectid) { topid = id_get("value",aca,"id") ; bottomid = menu_array[aca][acb][0] ; } } } top_view(topid,bottomid) ; } function id_get(target,value,fname) { ret = "" ; for (ada in area) { if (area[ada][target] == value) { ret = area[ada][fname] ; } } for (ada in content) { if (content[ada][target] == value) { ret = content[ada][fname] ; } } for (ada in zone) { if (zone[ada][target] == value) { ret = zone[ada][fname] ; } } return ret ; } //↑横浜、川崎、新宿トップメニューここまで //各店企画カレンダー弄りをちょっとだけ簡略化するスクリプト //['色','企画名','kikakuディレクトリ以下のフォルダ名','開催日もしくは開催期間','略称','リンクの種類[POStype=2,有=1,無=0]'] var Cal = new String(); var CalCL = new String(); function CalHeader(){ Cal += ''; for(var i=0; i'; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][4]; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; } else if(KikakuCalArray[i][5] == 2){ Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; } else if(KikakuCalArray[i][5] == 3){ Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; } else{ Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; Cal += ''; } } Cal += '
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'; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][4]; Cal += '…「' Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][1]; Cal += ''; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][3]; Cal += '
'; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][4]; Cal += '…「' Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][1]; Cal += ''; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][3]; Cal += '
'; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][4]; Cal += '…「'; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][1]; Cal += '」 '; Cal += KikakuCalArray[i][3]; Cal += '
'; Cal += '


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